GOLDEN GIFT Our thanks to Greg Ogonowski for another astounding aircheck of his favorite radio station!
G2 5.0 compatible TOP STREAM 44Kbps (13KHz)
PLAY Pat Holiday, CKLW Windsor-Detroit 1973 (47:48)

Play Scoped This Exhibit 'SCOPED (07:14)

. . . one of the girls just came in and explained what a 'by golly wow' is, she was blushing, I'm embarrassed too . . .

[Description by Uncle Ricky]

Some great and awful music in this 45 minutes from 1973, sounds like a studio recording. Can-Con isn't necessarily the problem, but it would have been helpful if more R&B acts had moved to Canada so they would have qualified for play on this awesome radio station.

Pat Holiday is so smooth, quick, tight and perfect for CKLW. The way he strokes those call letters is just.. well, it what's so many of us wanted to do back in the day... For hard-core proof of how music-intensive and minimalist The Big 8 had become by the summer of 1973, compare the length on the unscoped version (47:48) with the scoped version (7:14). Absolutely some of the most polished Top 40 in the world, it was!

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